Michele Denman's Podcast

Adventures with Christ!!

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Thursday May 25, 2023

Genesis 9:16 Praises God For Caring For Us!! God, we praise you. We praise you not just for your promise, which is glorious in and of itself … All your promises to us … But for signs you give like this, of your promise to us. "Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." --Genesis 9:16

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023

"Come out in Jesus Name," is in theaters, one day only: March 13th, 2023!! http://www.comeoutinjesusname.com At the end of Lonnie Frisbee's life, he was given a roadmap for healing, deliverance, and freedom that he needed earlier in his life. He repented and got right with the Lord, before he passed away. Because of a life of serious abuse in childhood, he sought some things in life, that de-railed his ministry!! In his own words, he speaks about this. 

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